Dear Lisa

This note is long over due. I should have written it three years ago when my elder daughter Sia was first enrolled in the Fall of 2011, or I should have written it in the Fall of 2013 when my younger daughter Saachi began her journey into the world of music with you….better late than never.

MUSIC TOGETHER has brought the essence of rhythm, beat, and happiness into our lives. My daughters have been indoctrinated into the world of music via your prestigious organization, your wonderful and patient teachers and your passion to teach and spread joy through music. For this we thank you.

We feel the difference everyday. Nothing is more pleasurable to the ears than to hear our little ones humming “I had a little frog, his name was tiny Tim” in a corner of their room when nobody is watching! It is a visual delight to see them pull out their home “Music Box” (which is now overflowing with instruments collected over the years)- and have their very own Jam Session together. And it gives us immense pride when they sing to us songs that they compose on their own- on the spot- using lyrics from other nursery rhymes and songs they hear and giving it their own rhythm.

THANK YOU for this gift for which we will be eternally grateful to MUSIC TOGETHER. We recommend this program strongly to all parents.

  • July 3, 2015

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Lisa Orinn, Founder/Director

Music Play Studios

[email protected]

(201) 869-4704